Nature of Speed
Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong
David Adamo
Alfred Boman
Lin Xue
Ni Youyu
Christopher Orr
Alexander Ruthner
Tsang Chui Mei
Xie Zhengli
Xue Feng
Yang Xinguang
23 May – 29 June 2013
Installation view
David Adamo
Untitled (bust), 2012
cedar wood, plywood, wheels
107 x 40 x 60 cm
Installation view
Installation view
Christopher Orr
Untitled, 2012
oil on linen
25 x 20.5 cm
David Adamo
Untitled, 2012
Cedar wood
248 x 30 x 30 cm
David Adamo
Untitled, 2012
Cedar wood
190 x 15 x 15 cm
Installation view
YANG Xinguang 楊心廣
Untitled, 2011
wood, acrylic
22 x 21 x 15 cm, 23 x 13 x 10 cm, 19 x 13 x 9 cm, 16 x 11 x 8 cm
Installation view
LIN Xue 林穴
Untitled (Diptych), 2009
ink on clayboard
25.5 x 20.5 cm x 6 cm each
LIN Xue 林穴
Untitled (Diptych), 2009
ink on clayboard
25.5 x 20.5 cm x 6 cm each
NI Youyu 倪有魚
Forest, 2013
woodcut print
100 x 200 cm
Installation view
Alfred Boman
Untitled, 2013
Acrylic, glue emulsion, enamel varnish and spray paint on canvas, wooden artist frame
197 x 131.5 cm
Alfred Boman
Untitled, 2013
Acrylic, glue emulsion, enamel varnish and spray paint on canvas, wooden artist frame
118 x 91 cm
Alfred Boman
Untitled, 2013
Acrylic, glue emulsion, enamel varnish and spray paint on canvas, wooden artist frame
118 x 91 cm
XUE Feng 薛峰
Background-32, 2012
oil on canvas
150 x 120 cm
Installation view
XUE Feng 薛峰
Transform-13, 2011
oil on canvas
160 x 200 cm
XUE Feng 薛峰
Flashback 34, 2012 and Flashback 35, 2012
oil on canvas
each 100 x 80 cm
Christopher Orr
Untitled, 2011
Etching on paper
17.7 x 15.2 cm
Christopher Orr
Untitled, 2011
Etching on paper
16.8 x 15.5 cm
Installation view
TSANG Chui Mei 曾翠薇
Inflammation (1), 2013 and Inflammation (2), 2013
acrylic on canvas
each 115 x 123 cm
Christopher Orr
Untitled, 2013
oil on linen
35.5 x 30.5 cm
Installation view
Alexander Ruthner
tagtrauma, 2013
oil on canvas
200 x 150 cm
XIE Zhengli 謝正莉
3, 2010
oil on canvas
180 x 140 cm
XIE Zhengli 謝正莉
Deer 4, 2012
oil on canvas
100 x 88 cm
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view